Great skin begins on the inside
As the largest waste-disposal organ in the body, your skin is a superb diagnostic tool in the fight to divert illness and delay the ageing process.
A poor diet, coupled with stress, attacks our cells and results in premature ageing.
Yet more stress shuts down the digestive system, uses up nutrients too quickly and leads to the body searching for a false high from deadly white sugar.
Colourful diet
In contrast, a Mediterranean diet, full of colour, supplies the vitamins and minerals needed to feed your brain, which then sends the correct signals to your organs and skin.
So, education is the first priority here at our salon – the more we can help you know how to work with your body, the better the results!
Working with nature
You may have read Rhona’s views already on the issues surrounding cosmetic surgery and other invasive procedures.
She says: “Why put yourself through pain, stress and an uncertain result when you can achieve a more youthful, healthier look just by working with nature?
“Thereafter, combining appropriate technology with the best curative skin care is my recipe of choice.”
Tightened skin
One of the treatments we recommend is Venus Freeze. It is a non-invasive treatment for face and body.
Its results for skin tightening and improving texture have been incredible, particularly the fine lines around the mouth, an area usually hard to treat, the eyes and the jaw line.
Warmth to bring blood to the skin
The long-term legacy is the strengthening of the blood vessels and the production of collagen, the cement of the skin.
The name Venus Freeze actually comes from its ability to help freeze the ravages of time. In fact, Venus uses warmth to bring blood to the skin, bathing it in oxygen, which is so vital for skin health.
But don’t just take our word for it – see the results for yourself! Book in for a free, no-obligation taster session.
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