Advanced Nutrition Programme
- Have acne or rosacea
- Have ageing skin
- Have dry or sensitive skin
- Want to protect from the sun’s effects.
I have mentioned elsewhere my firm philosophy that beauty – i.e. looking our best – comes from a healthy body and balanced system. So I was really pleased to find a matching approach from anti-ageing specialists the Advanced Nutrition Programme.
Their skincare supplements are packed with vitamins and antioxidants, and differ from just taking over-the-counter vitamins in that they have been formulated specifically to help the body produce healthy glowing skin. Combined with good creams used topically, they do a tremendous job, particularly for the 95% of us women in the UK who don’t get enough vitamin A in our diet.
The proof of the pudding of course is in the eating, and I have been amazed at the results achieved by my clients here in the clinic. For example, we have been extremely impressed by Skin Accumax™, a patent-pending formula for problem skin based on highly active plant compounds, which does a superb job on difficult conditions like acne and is excellent for rosacea.
Skin Accumax™
Skin Collagen Support
Skin Omegas+
Skin Defender
Skin Complete
Then there is Skin Collagen Support, which recognises the loss of elasticity through ageing and contains vitamins A and C to help in collagen formation and the maintenance of normal healthy skin. And Skin Omegas+ uses a blend of two important omega 3s along with added vitamin A to help deal with dehydration and general skin health. We have also found it works well with eczema.
Another topic I am very keen on is protecting our skin from the summer sun. Whether we are at home or abroad, and the importance of using a good quality sunscreen.
What we don’t hear so much about, though, is that you can actually prepare your skin to help it cope better with the sun’s rays using another great ANP product called Skin Defender. It’s formulated with vitamins E and C, along with selenium and zinc which are all antioxidants, helping to protect our skin cells from oxidative stress. Skin Defender shouldn’t replace a sunscreen, but provides nutritional support for skin exposed to light.
Clinically we have found that this product helps stop prickly heat and does condition the skin to help tolerance to the sun. But as with all sun products, please do take care in the sun and minimise your exposure. The best sunscreen of all is to cover up and avoid the mid-day period.